Investment Funds

Global Solutions Fund

A focused portfolio investing in equity funds, the Global Solutions Fund invests in companies providing goods and services dedicated to tackling some of the challenges the world faces today.

This includes:

  • Environmental solutions (such as recycling);
  • Basic needs (access to clean water and healthcare, for example);
  • Energy transition (the move to clean energy);
  • Emerging equality (improving lives outside of the developed world); and
  • Resource scarcity (doing more with less).


Fund Details

Latest NAV
'I Class' – "Institutional Class" is designed for intermediaries
'O Class' – "Ordinary Class" is designed for private clients and is the class with the lowest fee
I Acc - £98.63
O Acc - £96.29
O Dist - £101.95
Annual Management Fee
'I Class' – "Institutional Class" is designed for intermediaries
'O Class' – "Ordinary Class" is designed for private clients and is the class with the lowest fee
I Acc Class - 1%
O Acc Class - 0.75%
O Dist Class - 0.75%
  • Performance Chart
  • Performance Analysis
    1 Year Inception (25 March 2022)
    -0.9% -3.9%

  • Asset Weightings
    • Thematic Exposure
      • 38 Environmental Solutions
      • 25 Basic Needs
      • 15 Energy Transition
      • 15 Emerging Equality
      • 5 Resource Scarcity
      • 2 Cash & Equivalents
  • Portfolio Breakdown
    Portfolio Breakdown
    KBI Global Sustainable Infrastructure 7.6%
    Ninety One Global Environment 7.3%
    Brookfield Global Renewables 5.1%
    Nordea Climate Engagement 5.1%
    Pictet Global Environment 5.1%
    Pictet Nutrition 5.1%
    Polar Healthcare Discovery 5.1%
    Regnan Waste & Water 5.1%
    UBAM Emerging Impact 5.1%
    Wellington Global Stewards 5.1%
    Aikya Global Emerging Markets 5%
    Candriam Oncology 5%
    Impax Asian Environment 5%
    Robeco Smart Materials 5%
    Montanaro Better World 4.9%
    Polar Smart Energy 4.9%
    Schroder Food & Water 4.9%
    Schroder Energy Transition 4.7%
    Cash 2.2%

Our Investment Process

We invest into global trends and themes that we believe will benefit from these long-term changes. These are not passing trends or fads, but ongoing phenomena supported by independent evidence.  

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